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Hello and welcome to my slice of the internet !

Who am I ? My name is integralOddity and I consider myself a lifelong learner. I created this website (with the help of existing technologies - check the site footer for proper attribution) to host all the links that make up my digital identity and to store and share knowledge and reflections. Additionally, I imagine that the exposure of my writing to the public might provide a good rationale for maintaining a high level of quality and consistency.

What kinds of things can you find on this site ? Some of my interests include Computer Security Research (specifically Web Security and IoT Security) and Knowledge Management. I also enjoy Science Fiction and love exploring lore and inhabiting the fictional worlds designed by contemporary creators of the genre. The content of this site will most likely be dealing with these topics. This content summary is written from a high level perspective, to be more precise, please check spread of tags on the tags page.

How is this site laid out ? This website is meant to serve 2 different purposes:

  • A general blog about life, accomplishments and anything interesting that I am up to. Content like this will not be strictly didactic. blog link
  • An online archive to share some of the stuff that I am currently learning with the general public as little notes and interesting finds distributed accross different topics. notes link

Thank you for taking interest and happy browsing.